Monday, December 11, 2006

Thou Sayest!

Mum: Junior, why aren't you foo to school? Your mates have all left!
Son: Oh, mum, there is much to bother about...I'll be fine.
Mum: How can you be fine when you're not studying, not striving?
Son: The race be not for the swift but the smart.
Mum: If I did not know better, I'll be floored by such illogic. Oya, off you go!
Son: If you insist, mum.
Mum: I do.
Son: But what is the fuss all about, anyway?
Mum: Education, son, and discipline. Those are the combined ingredients for future success.
Son: I see. I see. I see....
Mum: See what? See...
Son: Is it only for the future or...
Mum: It has always been, will always matter.
Son: Then, how come it didn't matter for dad...his career, accolades; his riches and reach?
Mum: Are you mad? Shut up! A heir must never speak such trash.
Son: Well, we're tackling political case-studies this semester and dad wasn't enthusiastic when he saw the packs.
Mum: Why not?
Son: He said it's all theory, canvassed by hungry academics.
Mum: I obviously have no comment. He's your dad, remember?
Son: Why do you pray so much, then? Missing no faith or spiritual activity?
Mum: For the sake of you lot...especially you.
Son: Me? So I can inherit...
Mum: Yes, of ourse! And...
Son: Then, why bother about education and discipline? Or even...
Mum: Shut up! What..
Son: Is there any future for ...
Mum: I don't want to hear anything else! Just shut up...and obey your dad, okay?
Son: Mum!
Mum: Case closed.

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